Boot to Alternative Operating Systems

Problem: Customer wanted to insure the safety of his Windows 10 machine while conducting certain (legal) activities on the web. Some research would potentially expose a computer to viruses and malware. Solution: Two methods were implemented for the customer: 1. A...

Wireless Audio Solution for Hearing Impaired at Church

Problem: Church’s audio delivery system for hearing impaired failed on Saturday, but needed a fix for Sunday, the next day. Solution: Determined wireless microphone transmit frequency and added older scanner radio tuned to the transmit frequency to relay audio...

Century Link Wireless Set Top Box

Problem: Solution: Upon investigation, found a local source of interference and resolved the problem to eliminate (or substantially reduce) the interference so the set top box would as expected.

Low Power FM Old Time Radio Station

Problem: Customer wanted to listen to old time radio Internet stream on any FM radio throughout house. Solution: Set up low-cost, dedicated computer to get the stream. Then took audio from the stream and put into low-powered FM transmitter. Happy customer who can use...

Aircraft Tracking for Residence

Problem: Customer in North Seattle wanted to know in real time what airplanes were flying over the house. Solution: Recommended a hardware and software package that would run on Windows. The hardware is a software-defined radio. The software changes data received by...