A health care clinic moved to a new facility and took their existing Comcast cable service with them. (See previous post on this. The cable connection was temporary until Comcast fiber could be installed. Comcast damaged the first fiber that was pulled. After a second fiber was pulled, Comcast failed to installed necessary equipment for the clinic to plug into. Comcast was advised of this. After the proper equipment was installed, Comcast failed to properly communicate the correct settings for the new EdgeRouter that would be installed.
Comcast problems were referred back to Comcast for fixes. During the fix time a 10-port Ubiquiti EdgeRouter was obtained and tested. This was then put in place in the clinic. A mini-pc was connected to the EdgeRouter to run and log speedtests (along with associated data) every hour. After several days of logging that showed consistency and stability, a time after business hours was set to switch from cable to fiber. The changeover went without flaw, including about 12 networked printers.